This is my third and fourth assignments for watercolor. The first is a giraffe eating from a high branch. Here I am still getting a hold of hew that water and pigment works with the paper and how that affects the wash of the water color. The paper I am using is Canson watercolor paper 140LB and to me the paper just does not absorb the water right. I put the brush down and anything more than a little bit of water pools at the surface making it hard to do large washes of color like in the sky. The second water color is a twilight scene that shows the milky way in the very early hours of rising. For this painting I used Arches Watercolor paper 300LB cold press this paper is about as thick as a piece of foam core or mat-board; when you put a wet brush to it the paper just soaks up all the pigment from it. This truly is the best paper I use even giving Canson a shot since its half the price. The next paper I will be trying is Strathmore 400 140LB paper to see if that could be an alternative to Arches 300LB paper.
Giraffe Water color 2019
Nights Sky 2019